亞洲日信商事股份有限公司NISSIN ASIA CORPORATION為日本日信商事株式會社於2001年設立的台灣現地法人,專職日本產品的代理進口販賣以及台灣優質零組件的海外銷售。近年來,積極開拓網路電商及有機農業等多元化經營。 自創業以來,秉持職人精神與客戶一齊走過這20年,製造前線的任何需求,也請和我們聯絡,我們會全力與您共同解決問題。
NISSIN ASIA CORPORATION is the overseas branch in Taiwan founded by NISSIN CORPORATION JAPAN in 2001. We import Japanese products on an agency basis for sale and specialize in selling Taiwan’s high-quality components abroad. In recent years, we also actively expand E-commerce, organic farming and other business genres to diversify our business. As we started our business, we insist on craftsman’s spirits and for twenty years, we go forward together with our clients. At the front line of manufacturing, if you have any need, please contact us. Together, we will solve the problem with all-out efforts.